it's monday morning and i'm finally getting the itch for fall.
cardigans and hot beverages.
as much as i absolutely love summer, my fashion sense goes completely out the window. it's just too hot. i miss clothes. getting dressed up. having meetings over tea, smoking cigarettes, and not being overcome by the sweltering heat. not to mention that i really love a good pencil skirt.
there's something exciting about the fall, a change in season. but it's more than that. a hope that there will be a positive change in life. and that's just what i'm hoping for.
change is just around the corner. so much hope. so. much. hope. making art my full time job in 2 weeks. sheesh. sounds scary, huh? it is, but i know it's what i'm supposed to do. the un-scary part is that it doesn't mean i only make fine art... making art for a living leaves a lot of room for various opportunities. in this case, i can still design and do contracts and not be throwing my goals out the window. less scary now, right?(!)
for some serious business:
mumford & sons melts me.
i promise these two records will change your world.
so much love,