Friday, August 27, 2010

skeletons & bones & things

whaaa bam! a new project has begun. i have well over 100 "antique" photos lying around that i've been collecting (damn you thank you ebay). it became quite unhealthy the amount of time i spent perusing the internet... and accidently buying things (... yes. accidently. bidding on items is a whole new world to me).

i once saw a snippet of an artist's work who, jokingly (i believe), drew a cartoon skeleton over an old black & white photo of a woman. so i decided that i'd give it a try & take it a step further. how interesting would it be to look at an entire wall of fairly anatomically correct skeletons & organs as well as monsters drawn over antique photos? i still have some experimenting to do, but here's what i've got so far:
(initial testing of the ink...)

skeletons & bones & things

(all images ©kbaergen)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


a few images worth looking at:
Janelle Vagnier. Photographer. Designer. (also please note the wonderful bicycle).

Monday, August 23, 2010

Artmail 1.0

what's better than receiving a hand-written letter in the mail? receiving hand-made art in the mail.
this is Artmail. take it in, embrace it, and start sending some. (soon to announce a p.o. box of my very own)

as well as a list. lists are important. even if you aren't list people (there's no better way to remember things than writing them down... or drawing them out).

so much love,

ps. once all my (? if it exists ?) space is figured out, there will be more scanned images and photographed images (as well as photographs... and larger pieces).

Saturday, August 21, 2010

for two years i have been waiting, and it's finally here. the corner is being turned and i am diving head first into being what i am created to be: an artist.

fortunately for me (and my scattered-uncommitted life) the term artist is a giant umbrella that embodies limitless possibility. and being limited is exactly what i'm walking away from.

there are so many great things in store for this season of life. i can't wait to share them with you and i invite you to be a part of the process - your thoughts, critiques & ideas are welcomed and appreciated.

in the mean time here are some tunes to explore & be a part of (even if it's a small part):
"The Suburbs" by Arcade Fire
"Telekinesis!" by Telekinesis (who i discovered by way of Logan Potts - by way of NPR)
speaking of NPR... NPR Music is one of the greatest inventions of all time
Thanks to them we can listen to full albums before they're released. Like Ra Ra Riot's new album "The Orchard"
keep your eyes peeled, there are many great things coming.
so much love & appreciation.
- k.

Friday, August 6, 2010

one of the most terrifying and exhilarating things as an artist is building your own space. it is completely intimidating, standing in front of the limitless possibilities, and seeing others' space & what they've done to make it their own. however, there is something so freeing in the ability to make something entirely yours.
soon and very soon i'll be creating my space.


Monday, August 2, 2010


thinking about magazines. are there any good ones? i need to know. if you could design a magazine (content & aesthetics) what would you want it to be...?

cardigans & cigarettes

it's monday morning and i'm finally getting the itch for fall.

cardigans and hot beverages.

as much as i absolutely love summer, my fashion sense goes completely out the window. it's just too hot. i miss clothes. getting dressed up. having meetings over tea, smoking cigarettes, and not being overcome by the sweltering heat. not to mention that i really love a good pencil skirt.

there's something exciting about the fall, a change in season. but it's more than that. a hope that there will be a positive change in life. and that's just what i'm hoping for.

change is just around the corner. so much hope. so. much. hope. making art my full time job in 2 weeks. sheesh. sounds scary, huh? it is, but i know it's what i'm supposed to do. the un-scary part is that it doesn't mean i only make fine art... making art for a living leaves a lot of room for various opportunities. in this case, i can still design and do contracts and not be throwing my goals out the window. less scary now, right?(!)

for some serious business:

mumford & sons melts me.
laura marling's new album is so haunting and honest

i promise these two records will change your world.

so much love,