i know, i know, a little late in the game... but computers just, just, just scare me (yes. its true. i also believe that they don't really like me either). i swear half the battle is getting from staring at the computer to actually touching the mouse. maybe it's just the unknown that scares me, or the fact that there are a billion different people in the world who are master-wizard-illustrator-users (some of which are friends, thus the barter system is taking place). so here's to late nights and early mornings to try and get the hang of this dreaded, yet so incredibly wonderful program.
so this is what i made:

p.s. don't forget to send me what inspires you: p.o. box 60282 Nashville, TN 37206
p.p.s. am loving Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap.
p.p.p.s. as well as I'm Not Calling You a Liar by Florence + The Machine
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