coco chanel, 1960

via bloginity
one day i'll be able to go to every fashion week, gawk, gaze, fall madly-deeply-in-love with fabric all over again, chit chat, photograph, sketch, and enjoy every moment of people enjoying and celebrating fashion (and all the hard work that's being displayed). but for now, i'll just have to linger around news articles, and blogs like The Sartorialist and Garance Doré (which is actually quite wonderful). and of course NPR always keeps us in the loop (i just love the 'arts & life' section) with articles like this one.

oversized clothes are in... but those shoes. how can i find myself a pair? ©TheSartorialist

via NPR
i'll do all my gawking and day dreaming from afar, and make a goal of being at all of them in the next five years. that sounds reasonable, right?
some links for you:
listening to Kings Of Convenience, so lovely.
have a wonderfully lazy sunday,
- k.
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