Monday, June 27, 2011

digital / film

in a land far far away i studied photography. moved to nashville to teach kids, lived with three other photographers, and got burnt out. somewhere in there everyone else was trying to be a photographer as well, and in my true anti-hip anti-competitive nature, decided that i didn't want to compete to be cool. my conscious continuously told me that having a camera around my neck automatically made me someone who wanted to be just like everyone else. the fear being that whatever greatness i could possess would get lost.

when i first got my camera i vowed that if it became something more than a tool (for art or documentary) i would stop taking photos.

so i put my camera down.

it collected all sorts of dust for a solid year.

in pursuit of great treasures a friend and i went to a yard sale and found a pentax for five dollars (and a half-broken lightbox). of course not having more than a couple bucks on me (everything at yard sales should cost a quarter-one dollar) he bought the camera for me. one of the greatest gifts i've ever received.

my pentax is so deeply treasured, and has become my favorite form of documentation. my digital camera, however, still sits on the shelf (mostly), so when nathanael mehrens asked me to take photos for him, i had to wipe a few years worth of dust off of it.

so here's a little preview from the digital :

i'm excited to share the great treasures that come back from the pentax film, but i'd say this is pretty decent.

remember the things you once loved and put down. they might surprise you if you tried them again.
- k


  1. those photos are great!! & i like this post. i've been thinking along similar lines too. what i've been doing, what i should be doing, etc. Keep it up, your photos really are great. :) -A

  2. do those ceramics girrrrrl.

    and thanks for reading. and droppin in fido every once in a while. !!!
