i need your input, and your help. can i ask a favor of you? i need your thoughts on how to make artmail work. the goal is to have it's big kickoff on the first of the year. but what are ways that you think it would work best? send artmail, receive artmail, inspire others to send artmail. what would make receiving art in the mail appealing to you?
do you know anything about marketing... yourself? how to get my name out there? there must be something you know that i haven't thought of yet. that's why we work well together.
and the last thing i'll ask of you is to share me with your friends. i'm going to have an art show before the end of the year, and i'd love for you to attend, and all of your friends.
blah blah blah, sorry for rambling. i hope your monday's don't feel blue, but that they are just as wonderful as the weather in nashville says it should be.
- k.
ps. do you see the drawing i made of myself? ha.
can you please come plan my life in a picture...Kam that is amazing!! btw there is nothing better than getting mail that is Art!!