Monday, June 6, 2011


well the stars aligned and the heavens consented so that i can head out to bonnaroo this weekend. not knowing entirely what to expect, today i started to get nervous about how my recent development of social anxiety will react. no idea. no computer or work for four days - great.  me, in a field, filled with a billion people and no escape plan... eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhk? fortunately i'm going with people i trust.  but still, oh boy.

and if i'm being honest, i'm only going this year because the situation is perfecto. i mean, if i didn't know people who were playing, have these girls to go with, or the RV that is trucking our asses there, i wouldn't have thought twice about going.

hats off, curtsey accordingly, because we are going to bonnaroo. and cross your fingers for me. i certainly don't want to have any sort of anxiety attack. so i'm taking my best attitude and looking forward to all the glorious things that can & will happen. oh yeah, and i'm taking my pentax... with an onslaught of film.
let's hope for some great ones like this.... which reminds me, i've gotta find sparklers somewhere.
- k.

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